NEH Grant for Textual Geographies Project

map-nations-allI’m pleased to announce that the Textual Geographies Project has been awarded a $325,000 Digital Humanities Implementation Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. I’m hugely grateful for the NEH’s generous support and for previous startup funding from the ACLS and from the Notre Dame Office of Research.

I’m excited to work with project partners at Notre Dame, at the HathiTrust Research Center, and around the world. The grant will support further development of a Web-based front end for the enormous amount of textual-geographic data that the project has already generated, as well as ongoing improvements to the data collection process, new research using that data, and several events to engage scholars and members of the public who are interested in geography, history, literature, and the algorithmic study of culture. I’ll also be hiring a project postdoc for the 2017-19 academic years.

More information on all these fronts in the months ahead!